How to Enroll

Those who wish to study through Global University India are invited to apply for admission.

  • Application is available online:
  • Application form is also available with all Global University offices.
  • Global University India has over 5500 active study centers in India, and information can be obtained by contacting the nearest GU Regional Office. Through these centers, students can enroll in courses.

Applicants are required to send the following items with application

  1. One recent passport-size photograph of the applicant.
  2. Photocopies of all original academic records, duly attested by a gazetted officer.
  3. The applicant's testimony about his or her Christian experience and personal commitment to Christ.
  4. A letter of recommendation by the applicant's pastor.
  5. Duly filled in mentor form must be sent within a month of admission (only for B.Th., - form attached).
  6. FEES:

    Registration: ₹. 100 (one time)

    Course fee: C.Th., ₹. 100 ; Dip. Th., ₹.200 (per subject)

    Graduation: C.Th., ₹ 500; Dip.Th., ₹. 1000 (one time)

  1. One recent passport-size photograph of the applicant.
  2. Photocopies of all original academic records, duly attested by a gazatted officer.
  3. The applicant's testimony about his or her Christian experience and personal commitment to Christ.
  4. A letter of recommendation by the applicant's pastor.
  5. Duly filled in mentor form must be sent within a month of admission (form attached).
  6. DD of Rs.100 as Registration charges should be enclosed. Duly filled Application Form and the above said documents should be sent to the following address:

Head office & South India Regional office:

Global University India
P.O. Box: 26
214, Seethaiyammal Street,
Nataraj Nagar, Madurai – 625 016
Phone: 94455 84405.

North India  North East India
Global University,  Global University,
L- 16 South Extn- II,  B.H.S.S., Walford,
New Delhi- Pin: 110049  Dimapur,Nagaland.
Ph: +91-11-26254378  Ph: 9436003612